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I wish to express to you my extreme gratitude for your visit to this site. I truly believe there are no such things as coincidences, hence it is not a coincidence that you are here. I find the saying appropriate, " When the student is ready, the teacher appears". I myself have been blessed with some of the most wonderful teachers that I have encountered on my journey, and for them I am eternally grateful.
My own journey of self healing began prior to my becoming aware of it actually, as did many of us. When I started to ponder my purpose and reason in life my journey to my true self began. Years ago I was aware of the benefits of yoga, but I was too embarrassed to go into a studio. How would I keep up with Vinyasa Flow if I couldn't even touch my toes? So, I decided to hire a yoga instructor to come to my home for private lessons. I never knew yoga would be so great for my body and I was learning about the mind, body, spirit connection. WOW! I was becoming more aware that I was much more than just a physical being. But, as life would become more hectic with kids, work and all the extras of life, I took a break from yoga thinking I would pick it up again when things calmed down. Well, you know how that goes. A few years later yoga re-appeared on my path when I needed it the most. I had gotten divorced and finally broke free from a highly controlled religious group which made me question "who am I"? I made the commitment to make time for my practice when I didn't have the time. It started slowly but lit a fire under me that prompted me to become a certified Ayurveda Yoga Instructor. I found that by adding meditation to my practice, this provided a crucial role in helping me to cope with life's stressors. I was finally learning how to not allow my mind's chatter to control me. I learned to sit with myself, love my own company and start to get in touch with who I am. I've learned that we all have the music inside of us. We already know the answers we seek. We all sometimes second guess or doubt ourselves, just remember in those moments to be still and listen. I truly do feel that what we need to know is already there, in the silence and the spaces between our thoughts. We learn so much when we are in the stillness.
TRE® was a lifesaver for me. For years I was working in the corporate world as an executive in a high stress environment until my body finally said "ENOUGH, no more". I was taking care of everyone and everything else, but I had forgotten to take care of myself. This resulted in very high anxiety, insomnia and severe migraines. After trying TRE® for a few sessions, the anxiety lessened and the migraines dramatically reduced. After experiencing first hand the benefits of TRE® I knew I was meant to do this. I knew how much healing I was experiencing and there were so many who could benefit from sessions just like I had benefitted. My desire to help others led me to California to receive my International Certification. My learning process constantly continues with taking and completing courses to enhance my training as a Life Coach, I'm currently working towards the Masters Certification. I received my Reiki Master Certification, and I'm currently studying Qigong in a year long program.
The journey of self healing is definitely filled with twists and turns, and it surely is an adventure. Nevertheless, YOU ARE EXACTLY where you need to be at this moment in your life. The key is going inward and paying attention to opportunities our lives present to us for healing. So take a step back, breathe, and just do it, get on with YOU! It's time to have the life you've always dreamed of. There is no magic pill. Only you can choose to take full responsibility for your own well being and use the modalities you have available to you. Remember, the magic is within, you just have to tap into it - We are always here to help in any way that we can.
WELCOME to Sacred Serenity... Move BEYOND
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